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Types Of Marriage: Polygyny Endogamy and Covenant

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There are several types of marriage. These include: Polygyny, Covenant, and Exogamy. In this article, we'll be looking at Endogamy and Exogamy. These types are based in different cultural beliefs and norms. Learn more about each type. They might all look very similar! This article may not be complete. This article may not reflect current information. We would love to hear from you!


Exogamy is the custom of marrying outside the group in which you were born. This practice helps to keep out competition between people of the same family. Exogamy rules vary depending on the culture. Some cultures allow marriage outside of the group, while others consider it taboo. In Australia, for example, it is forbidden to marry outside of the group. These cultures might prohibit marriage to anyone outside of the marriage partner’s group.

It is unknown what caused endogamy or exogamy in married relationships. Both are the result human beings leaving their groups to seek new partners. Many believe exogamy's origins are rooted in reciprocal exogamy. This refers to the practice of people marrying members of another group. Exogamy refers to reciprocity. A prominent example of this form of reciprocity is the restriction on exogamy for exogamous relatives. Herbert Spencer and Dr. Frazer support this view.

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Endogamy is a widespread practice across many cultures. But it can sometimes be overcome by group practices such inter-marriage. Endogamy is common among certain religious groups, and in some cases, it is even required that the couple undergoes a conversion of religion. Acceptance of the culture and practices of their partner is required. Endogamy offers many practical benefits, such as the ability to increase relatedness and adhere to a group’s morals.

People are forbidden from marrying outside of their endogamous group for a variety of reasons. The first reason is cultural. Some groups are extremely inbred. It is against the law to marry one of their members. Marrying outside of your group's norms can result in mild disapproval up to exile and death. Endogamy rules might be stated explicitly in a culture or religion or may be impliedly enforced.


The most common form is polygyny by marriage. This is when a man marries multiple women. Although it is not ideal, it is possible. Here are the risks of polygyny when married. The benefits of polygyny should be known as well. Here are a few examples:

Polygyny can be used to relieve tensions. Begum says that polygyny is acceptable when the first and second spouses are not compatible. A second wife can ease tensions in a marriage, and it can make the first spouse happier. Ahmad adds that polygyny may be a way of building a community or overcoming domestic disharmony.

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Covenant marriage

A covenant marriage is a legal distinct type of marriage. It's recognized in three U.S. states. These marriages can only be disbanded if they are not accompanied by premarital counseling. Whether a couple chooses to enter into a covenant marriage is a personal decision, but most couples are content to follow the law and live happily ever after. Read our article on covenant marriages for more information. These are some suggestions to help you make your marriage work.

a. A covenant marriage is an agreement to be together for all of life. These situations are not allowed to result in divorce. However, you might still be allowed to divorce but the rules are stricter. Divorce is not possible unless both spouses agree. This article will present a brief overview about the rules and procedures involved in a covenant marital. A family law attorney can answer any questions.

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How do I end a relationship?

Breakups can be hard to handle, especially if you wanted to reconcile with your ex.

However, you can learn how to cope with breakups. You can get over your breakup faster if you follow our advice.

Remember that most breakups do not last forever. This means you will eventually see your ex again.

Second, remember the times you shared together. Remembering those moments can help you to feel positive about the future.

Thirdly, reflect on how you behaved during the breakup. Did you treat your ex badly during the breakup?

If they did, then they should be apologized to. By doing so, you can show that you have changed.

You should also avoid getting into arguments and fighting. Instead, talk it through calmly.

Never forget that it is never too late to build a relationship with your ex. You just need to put in a little effort.

How can I stop being jealous of my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend?

Jealousy is never a good idea. It is unhealthy and can be very painful.

Jealousy can be like poison. Once you swallow it, it starts eating away at you from the inside. You'll get angry about everything. It doesn't matter if it's not important. You will waste your money on useless things.

Worst, you may believe you aren't worthy of love.

It's important for people to recognize that jealousy is not always bad. It can sometimes be healthy. It's normal to feel anxious about losing someone or worried that they might leave you.

But when jealousy becomes excessive, when it takes over our thoughts, when it causes us to act in ways that hurt ourselves and others, then it's time to seek help.

There are many types and styles of therapy. Some focus on helping people learn better coping strategies. Others will help you manage your emotions better. Others will help you communicate better.

Whatever therapy you choose make sure it helps you to manage your jealousy.

My boyfriend wants to have sex with me, but I don't want to. What should i do?

Sex is an intimate experience. It requires trust between partners. If one partner feels unsafe, uncomfortable or uneasy during an act, it's unlikely the other will enjoy the experience.

If you are feeling anxious or scared, it's understandable to want to avoid sex.

However, it's not a good idea to try to force yourself or risk hurting the feelings of your boyfriend. Instead, talk to your boyfriend and explain why you are so hesitant.

Ask him if you're ready to have sex. Ask him what he would consider comfortable.

Listen to his answers. Do not judge him based upon your feelings.

Relax if he tells you that he doesn’t want to pressure. If he tells you he wants to have sexual contact with you, then it's time to get over your fears.

This might be as simple as practicing safer sex techniques. Or it might involve talking to your doctor about birth control methods.

Regardless of what you decide to do, remember that you deserve to be happy. If you're concerned about hurting the feelings of your boyfriend, then you owe them both the responsibility to find a solution.

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months and now we're serious. What should I do?

It seems like you're seeing more potential in your relationships. That's great!

Be sure to prepare before you commit to any new project.

It's difficult to part ways with someone. It is a difficult decision to let go of something important. It means losing someone who meant so much to you.

You must be truthful with yourself if you truly believe you want to end your marriage. Talk to your family and friends. Tell your family and friends how you feel.

Don't keep your emotions inside. They will assist you in clearing up any doubts.

If you are still unsure about your decision, you might consider ending it before it becomes too serious.

Although you may not know when someone is ready to commit, it's possible. But you can always tell when your aren't.


  • The story they tell predicts with 94% accuracy whether they will divorce in 3 years. (time.com)
  • But Gottman's research shows that three years into a relationship if you're not arguing at all, you're much more likely to find yourself arguing in divorce court. (time.com)
  • It's less than 1% of the variation in overall marital satisfaction. (time.com)
  • If you expect to get what you want 100% of the time in a relationship, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. (helpguide.org)

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How To

How to handle long distance relationships

A long-distance marriage is one in which two people live far apart from each another and don't get to see each others often. It is often due to their differing work locations that it is difficult for them spend time together. They still want to have a strong relationship. Many couples are faced with this dilemma when they get married. They can't spend enough quality time together because they are geographically separated. They try to get the best out of their relationship.

There are many options for how to handle a long-distance relationship. It all depends on how you view the situation and what your priorities are. You should think about what you can do to maintain a relationship with someone you love. You could think about traveling to visit your spouse regularly. Perhaps your partner works near you and you can find a way for you to go. You could even start sending each other letters. You can even start writing letters to each other.

You can also make use of technology to stay in touch. Skype, WhatsApp and Viber allow you to communicate with your partner even if you are not physically present. Although these apps can't replace face-to-face communication, they will allow you to stay in touch.

It might be a good idea to involve your children in the conversation, especially if you have kids. Children are more likely to grasp things if they have heard stories from their parents. Let your children know about your relationship. Ask them to tell you about their feelings and let you know what they think. Encourage them to write you letters. Tell them how stressful your job is and why you miss the time spent with them. You will then be able to explain why you cannot return home as often as desired.

The bottom line is that although long-distance relationships are difficult, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep trying. Communication is key. And sometimes, just talking about your feelings helps you figure out what you want.



Types Of Marriage: Polygyny Endogamy and Covenant